Located in Dimapur, Nagaland, India, the Christian Discipleship International Bible Seminary is training pastors, church planters, and Christian workers. It exists to provide biblical resources to believers as they pursue the fulfillment of the Great Commission. The Seminary is sponsored by Christian Discipleship International in Easley, SC, USA. The desired books for the library include:
Global Dictionary of Theology
Christian Theology (Erickson)
Theological Dictionary of the NT
The KJV Cross Reference Bible
The Oxford Handbook of Theological Ethic
An Introduction to the OT Historical Books
The New Ungers Bible Dictionary
The Englishman's Hebrew Concordance of the OT
New Bible Dictionary
Christian Apologetics
Theological Interpretation of the NT
Theological Exegesis of Scripture Volume 1
An Introduction to the OT Poetical Books
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary
The Interlinear Bible Greek/English
The Moody Handbook of Preaching
The New Thompson Study Bible
Theological Interpretation of the OT
Handbook of NT Exegesis
The Baker Illustrated Bible Dictionary
Zondervan Dictionary of the Bible and Theology Words